I have been asked, “Why did you choose politics?” In truth, I didn’t. Politics chose me. My parents both came from families that served in office and as citizen leaders. We were encouraged to talk about the issues of the day; the threat of nuclear war, the Vietnam War, and heroes coming home from the war and those who didn’t make it home. Everything from UNICEF and world hunger to the price of gasoline and home-heating costs was shared in conversations at the dinner table; even as children,... more
The McCormick Standard
The McCormick Standard serves as a benchmark for citizen leaders to exchange ideas and share solutions to issues facing us in education, energy, the economy, justice and politics. The United States Constitution and the rule of law is our American governing principle. It is in this tradition and its call for integrity leadership that the McCormickStandard.com was created. The McCormick Standard serves as a benchmark in the public debate on how best to get our government and economy back on track. Our nation has veered off course from its founding principles and documents. As a consequence, the American people have become vulnerable to economic hardship and government malpractice. It is time for all of us to do something about it. The McCormick Standard relies on the rule of law and the role of a free press in preserving our republican form of government. The Rule of Law is based on the fact that the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It presumes that all men... more
A Case For Courage
For the support of this Declaration … We mutually pledge …our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. —the “courageous fifty-six,” the signers of the Declaration of Independence, 1776 It is our turn to put our government back on the right track. Whether you are a citizen leader, voter, political junkie, candidate or member of the press, this book lifts the curtain from the political stage and empowers all of us to change the way things are. Government is all of us, and together we are... more
The McCormick Standard to Post Weekly Excerpts from “What Sex is a Republican?”
Each week, The McCormick Standard will be posting an excerpt from Terri McCormick’s book “What Sex is a Republican?” to share stories from the front line of American politics and inspire others to take action and make a difference. This week, we will begin with the purpose of the book that sets the tone for what will come over the coming weeks. We encourage you to share these posts to spread the important message of this book far and wide. What Sex Is a Republican? takes a look... more
“What Sex is a Republican?” Authored by Terri McCormick
“What Sex is a Republican?” tears down the stereotypes and barriers of gender politics in modern day account of a profile in courage. Order your copy at The Capitol Press or on Amazon at http://www.budurl.com/insidepolitics What Sex is a Republican takes a look at the political game from behind the curtain with one intention: to call on each of us to serve in our local, state and federal government. The principles of Republican government have been lost on the money changers in our state... more
McCormick Guests on Milwaukee Television Program, “4th Street Forum” Discussing Wisconsin’s embattled State Supreme Court Elections
4th Street Forum With host RAUL VASQUEZ: WISCONSIN’S SUPREME COURT — ELECT OR APPOINT? Big money, outside money, tacky TV ads: even Supreme Court elections have become a battleground of nasty politics. Should the Supreme Court be appointed instead? Would that restore its dignity and raise the quality of Wisconsin justice? And with guests in order of appearance – JAY HECK, Executive Director, Common Cause Wisconsin; TERRI McCORMICK, Author of How to Run for Office on a Liberty... more