This phenomenon of women being able to cross party lines and being more prone to solving problems is, ironically, at odds with the front-row mentalities in rancorous fall-in-line party politics. The predatory fall-in-line politics is dependent on turf wars and silo building. Further, the survival of the front-row leadership ranks is often dependent on maintaining the same old ideological battles between the two political parties. It is not in either party machine’s interests to solve problems.... more
The McCormick Standard
The McCormick Standard serves as a benchmark for citizen leaders to exchange ideas and share solutions to issues facing us in education, energy, the economy, justice and politics. The United States Constitution and the rule of law is our American governing principle. It is in this tradition and its call for integrity leadership that the was created. The McCormick Standard serves as a benchmark in the public debate on how best to get our government and economy back on track. Our nation has veered off course from its founding principles and documents. As a consequence, the American people have become vulnerable to economic hardship and government malpractice. It is time for all of us to do something about it. The McCormick Standard relies on the rule of law and the role of a free press in preserving our republican form of government. The Rule of Law is based on the fact that the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It presumes that all men... more
6 Barriers to Women Running For and Serving In Public Office
According to the research conducted by the Barbara Lee Family Foundation, there are six identifiable barriers to women who aspire to serve in public office. From their publication Cracking the Code, “Political Intelligence for Women Running for Governor” (2004), these barriers are: Executive Leadership: Given the few examples of women chief executives in the public and private sectors, women candidates for governor must be able to demonstrate successful executive experience in order to win voter... more
Moving Forward with a Genderless Muscle
Don’t think for a minute that I believe that only men are capable of this type of unethical behavior—far from it. Women follow just like men follow. The point is this: we don’t need followers! We need heavy lifters. We need those who aren’t afraid to engage in intellectual battle and who have poise under fire. And we need people who can provide one or more of the following attributes: Inspiration and communication — these are the necessary skills for getting things done. If people cannot... more
The Curve Ball: I Didn’t Anticipate This
I never saw the angst and anger brewing in my political party’s front row or the curve ball that was to be thrown at me in 2006. THE CURVE BALL What I didn’t anticipate was the jealousy and pettiness that would surface from my own political party in 2006. I had met and discussed my race with Wisconsin’s congressional chairman, the dean of the congressional delegation in Washington and the state’s GOP chairman. All three individuals assured me that my race for Congress would be a fair one.... more
“MY TURN” Politics: A Story of Blocking
In the two years prior to my congressional run, I was focused on creating solid public policy for the constituents in my legislative district. I was honored to represent the Fifty-sixth House Assembly District, and I was focused on just doing my job. Many accolades in a variety of media sources were offered on the reforms I had led since I took office in 2001. In fact, the Small Business Administration in Washington DC wrote a letter to my legislative office, telling me that without my leadership,... more