THE FIRST 100 DAYS: Executive Round Table with Business, Industry & Educational Leaders

“It’s important that we all understand the impact that public and governmental leaders make on our economic environment. Business and industry leaders will come together to discuss their industries and the potential impact of the first 100 day agenda on growing jobs and improving our economic outlook…”

Political leader actions, words, and behavior: A content analysis of the Common Core debate

This study presents a model for understanding political leadership based upon the processes that influence and thereby shape political leaders’ types, as captured in their own words and behaviors on digital recordings, official documents, press releases, the media, and twitter on the public record.

US Capitol

4 Ways to Debunk Political Rhetoric and Personal Agendas in Today’s Media

Today, more than at any time in our nation’s history, the people have the opportunity to turn off the noise and research their own issues, candidates and political parties. The American people now have the wherewithal to demand the news from credible sources from all mass media forms. Whether you get your news from television, […]

March blog

Campaigns, Dirty Tricks & Election Engineering

Campaigning is tough business. It takes someone with a lot of inner strength, a lot of community connections and a bit of money to make a solid run for office. Those of us who run “grassroots campaigns” understand just how difficult the road is for those who play by the rules. Yet there exists a […]

Terri McCormick

The Politics of Policy: How Leadership Influences Implementation

This is the Formal Proposition Paper provided to the Midwest Academy of Management. This document is a work in progress and as such is the copywritten property of Terri McCormick. Please write for permission to cite the document at We would like to know how you will be applying this work citation in your […]

Terri McCormick to Appear on the 4th Street Forum on Wednesday, October 22nd

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 3pm: 4th Street Forum on the Road This Week In Collaboration with the Clausen Center for World Business Join the audience at Carthage College, Hedberg Labrary’s Niemann Theatre, 2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha, 53140 ELECTION 2014 CONTINUES Part1: “The U.S. Senate – A Shift in the Majority Ahead?” Part 2: “The Governor’s […]

Political Personalities and Male Stereotypes

There are several theories and stereotypes of men in politics, just as there are with their women counterparts. Consider the following: THE NAPOLEON COMPLEX One could argue that the Napoleon complex, an insecurity born out of being “vertically challenged,” is a relevant political archetype that affects men—and perhaps some women—who serve in government. Napoleon, who […]

A Comprehensive Review: What Sex Is A Republican?

What is the truth about politics in the United States? What can you do to make it better? Read this book and find out. Terri McCormick did what few politicians do. She wrote this a book to tell the truth and offer positive fixes for a broken system. There are many politician-written books on the […]

What Sex is a Republican?

The Competitive Prescription Drug Purchasing Pool

Posted by Terri McCormick On June - 26 - 2014ADD COMMENTS
Prescription drug purchasing pool

Looking back on things, there is no doubt in my mind that my freshman year chairmanship of the speaker’s Task Force on Health Insurance Partnerships for Local Governments was designed to keep me out of trouble. After the Crandon Mine fiasco, it was a wise appointment by Speaker Scott Jensen to keep me busy, studying what was perceived as an impossible issue, that of health-care costs. It was well known that the skyrocketing costs of local government health insurance was steadily rifling up the... more

Stories From the Front Lines of Wisconsin Politics

Posted by Terri McCormick On June - 9 - 2014ADD COMMENTS

I worked on two very important pieces of public policy during my first session in the Wisconsin legislature. One, I fell in to quite accidentally; the other was no doubt intended to keep me out of trouble and busy. My strength in politics lies in the fact that I dislike the injustice of politics. Instead, I am wired to solve problems and look at the system as a whole. Dollars and cents do not factor into my judgments, unless it has to do with cost analysis and fiscal impact on families and on jobs.... more

Is it true that the only problem with America’s schools is too many poor kids raised in less-educated families? According to a new study, from researchers Eric Hanushek (Stanford University), Paul Peterson (Harvard University), and Ludger Woessmann (University of Munich), the answer is a clear no. Parental education has long been shown to be the best family background indicator of a student’s readiness to learn at school, and the United States’ comparatively low proficiency rates are often... more

Leading From The Back Row

Posted by Terri McCormick On May - 7 - 2014ADD COMMENTS
Rep. Krawczyk and McCormick

Upon entering the state and federal capitols across the United States and walking the hallowed chambers of the legislative bodies, you may see formal seating assignments that determines who someone is, what that person will be, and what he or she will be allowed to accomplish. Those who wield power in their respective front rows make these decisions. “In reality there is perhaps no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle... more

As a Doctoral Student in the Leadership Studies concentration, Terri McCormick’s proposal was accepted to participate in the Public and Nonprofit Division’s Doctoral Consortium at the 2014 Academy of Management annual meeting in Philadelphia in August. The 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management The 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting is the premier conference for more than 10,000 students, academics, scholars, and professionals in the scholarly management and organization... more

Terri McCormick honored for excellence in government relations by Cambridge's Who's Who industry experts