THE FIRST 100 DAYS: Executive Round Table with Business, Industry & Educational Leaders

“It’s important that we all understand the impact that public and governmental leaders make on our economic environment. Business and industry leaders will come together to discuss their industries and the potential impact of the first 100 day agenda on growing jobs and improving our economic outlook…”

Political leader actions, words, and behavior: A content analysis of the Common Core debate

This study presents a model for understanding political leadership based upon the processes that influence and thereby shape political leaders’ types, as captured in their own words and behaviors on digital recordings, official documents, press releases, the media, and twitter on the public record.

US Capitol

4 Ways to Debunk Political Rhetoric and Personal Agendas in Today’s Media

Today, more than at any time in our nation’s history, the people have the opportunity to turn off the noise and research their own issues, candidates and political parties. The American people now have the wherewithal to demand the news from credible sources from all mass media forms. Whether you get your news from television, […]

March blog

Campaigns, Dirty Tricks & Election Engineering

Campaigning is tough business. It takes someone with a lot of inner strength, a lot of community connections and a bit of money to make a solid run for office. Those of us who run “grassroots campaigns” understand just how difficult the road is for those who play by the rules. Yet there exists a […]

Terri McCormick

The Politics of Policy: How Leadership Influences Implementation

This is the Formal Proposition Paper provided to the Midwest Academy of Management. This document is a work in progress and as such is the copywritten property of Terri McCormick. Please write for permission to cite the document at We would like to know how you will be applying this work citation in your […]

Terri McCormick to Appear on the 4th Street Forum on Wednesday, October 22nd

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 3pm: 4th Street Forum on the Road This Week In Collaboration with the Clausen Center for World Business Join the audience at Carthage College, Hedberg Labrary’s Niemann Theatre, 2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha, 53140 ELECTION 2014 CONTINUES Part1: “The U.S. Senate – A Shift in the Majority Ahead?” Part 2: “The Governor’s […]

Political Personalities and Male Stereotypes

There are several theories and stereotypes of men in politics, just as there are with their women counterparts. Consider the following: THE NAPOLEON COMPLEX One could argue that the Napoleon complex, an insecurity born out of being “vertically challenged,” is a relevant political archetype that affects men—and perhaps some women—who serve in government. Napoleon, who […]

A Comprehensive Review: What Sex Is A Republican?

What is the truth about politics in the United States? What can you do to make it better? Read this book and find out. Terri McCormick did what few politicians do. She wrote this a book to tell the truth and offer positive fixes for a broken system. There are many politician-written books on the […]

What Sex is a Republican?

Local Elections and Puppet Influence

Posted by Terri McCormick On December - 18 - 2014ADD COMMENTS
Some responsibility rests upon the conduct of our own affairs

If you believe you are immune from Machiavellian influences in local politics, think twice. Whether you’re a voter or a candidate, Machiavellian influences are at all levels of politics. Local elections are run by the people, right? Not necessarily. Shadow political parties are often used by county, state and federal party machines to keep an eye on what is going on at the grassroots level. After all, political parties want to make sure the “right” person is recruited to run for political office. In... more

The Populist Effect

Posted by Terri McCormick On November - 25 - 2014ADD COMMENTS

American history has repeated itself with a revolving cycle of leadership between elitist and populist presidents and political leaders. As Jeffrey Bell notes, “Throughout history the presence of elites appears to be universal. Civilization is a society which generates elites.”15 In fact, throughout most of American history political equality was so insignificant that the debate between elitism and populism didn’t matter. It is only with this great experiment in American politics that the light... more

The Politics of Policy: How Leadership Influences Implementation

Posted by Terri McCormick On October - 31 - 2014ADD COMMENTS

This is the Formal Proposition Paper provided to the Midwest Academy of Management. This document is a work in progress and as such is the copywritten property of Terri McCormick. Please write for permission to cite the document at We would like to know how you will be applying this work citation in your research. This presentation examines the theoretical propositions that emerge from the literature review – establishing what is known about policy decision making,... more

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 3pm: 4th Street Forum on the Road This Week In Collaboration with the Clausen Center for World Business Join the audience at Carthage College, Hedberg Labrary’s Niemann Theatre, 2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha, 53140 ELECTION 2014 CONTINUES Part1: “The U.S. Senate – A Shift in the Majority Ahead?” Part 2: “The Governor’s Race and Wisconsin’s Future” With host Denise Callaway WITH GUESTS: Yuri Maltsev, PhD is a professor of... more

Does Common Core Serve the Purpose of Helping Students Reach College and Career Ready Goals?

As states move to implement the Common Core State Standards, key challenges remain. One is how to make sure a high school diploma acknowledges what students have achieved. Should states adopt a two-tiered diploma, in which students who pass internationally aligned Common Core exams at a career- and college-ready level receive an “academic” diploma, while students who fail to meet that bar receive a “basic” diploma? Yes, say three prominent thinkers who have long wrestled with questions of... more

Terri McCormick honored for excellence in government relations by Cambridge's Who's Who industry experts